PCE Flax Fibre:
Canada is the largest producer of flax seed in the world, as a result there is up to 1 million of tonnes of flax straw available on the Canadian and US prairies. PCE is the only company in this space–ahead of anyone–with thousands of acres of flax straw under contract and a revolutionary innovative and sustainable way to efficiently produce flax fibre. This allows PCE to work with companies who need long-term, stable supply of flax fibre to help them gain market advantage, solve long-term supply issues, counter environmental or global variables, while remaining quality and price competitive.
At Prairie Clean Energy, our core business is a rigorous focus on efficiently gathering and processing un-utilized agricultural residue, firmly focused on flax straw. We have an abundant supply of high-quality flax straw from which to produce flax fibre. Contact us today.

In early 2024, our team developed an innovative decortication process. It has two-patents pending. Our ground-breaking process removes the fibre from the shive in the most efficient process on the planet. Our approach uses less energy and takes less time, while producing high quality flax fibre with low shive content. To the best of our knowledge, there are no facilities in the world that produce both high-quality flax fibre and flax shive pellets for both bio-materials and bioenergy/biofuels markets in one facility.
PCE Flax Fibre Applications and Industries
Once decorticated from the straw, we bale the flax fibre for shipping worldwide, where it can be used in:
Specialty paper
Biomaterial industries