Flax Fibre
For use in pulp, specialty paper, and biomaterial industries
Heat and power
Transport Biofuels
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) & hydrogen
Flax fiber is tried, tested, and loved in Europe and the USA for animal bedding due to the benefits of low dust, exceptional absorbency, low ammonia release, and its compostable / biodegradable nature. Ideal for horses / equine, cows, pigs, poultry, cats, and small animals.
Low dust is better overall for horse health.
Instead of mucking out daily, muck out approximately every
3 to 4 days.*
3 times more absorbent than wood shavings and 10 times absorbent than straw.*
Low pH means it absorbs ammonia extremely well for better animal health and better fume control.
Cost effective – 50% less when compared to using wood shavings
Made from 100% natural flax fiber that’s biodegradable – makes an excellent field compost.
The pellets are easy to pick with a pitchfork rather than a shovel.
Flax Premium Bedding is effective for a variety of different kinds of animals and animal health
Flax Premium Pellets
Email: info@prairiecleanenergy.com
Call (anywhere in North America): 1-844-978-FLAX (3529)
Address: #203-2221 Cornwall St., Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4P 0X7
Prairie Clean Energy (PCE) is a solution provider changing the bioeconomy landscape in North America and the world by doing what no one else is doing – harnessing the millions of tonnes of excess agricultural waste on the Canadian and American prairies. PCE’s core business is a rigorous focus on efficiently gathering and processing fibre-rich and energy-dense straw and other sources of organic waste for diverse uses. Our feedstock is technologically and product agnostic and can be a low-carbon input solution for:
Flax Fibre
For use in pulp, specialty paper, and biomaterial industries
Heat and power
Transport Biofuels
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) & hydrogen
Industrial Absorbents
For industrial cleanups and spill remediation
Animal Bedding
Horse, cow, pig, poultry & small animals
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)